For over 50 years, we have been true to our mission at the fromagerie Hamel: sharing our love for cheese with our customers and providing them with exceptional products and quality personalized service they find enjoyable and satisfying. We are a family business, and throughout all theses years, we have been careful to maintain a warm and friendly atmosphere in all our 6 stores. Our staff members are widely recognized for their know-how and their expert and discerning advice.
The co-owners Marc Picard, Ian Picard, and Murielle Chaput are the driving force behind the business’ progress and expansion. Their involvement and forward thinking have resulted in several game-changing achievements: building ripening/maturing cellars to age select, exceptional cheese; developing the Le Pic label now including some 50 hand-picked products exclusively sold in Hamel stores; installing walk-in cheese fridge, or state-of-the-art storage cellars, in the Jean-Talon Market and Ahuntsic-Cartierville Stores; increasing the product offering to over 350 cheeses, some imported by air; carrying an assortment of outstanding charcuteries and delicacies sourced throughout the world. That is why Hamel cheese shops have been for so many years – and still are! – the spot where epicurians and foodies tend to flock.
Today, the fromagerie Hamel remains a true family-owned business recognized for its know-how and customer care. We are extremely proud of our highly qualified team of some 100 employees. And equally proud to claim, based on our sales figures, that we rank among the top cheese shops in the country.